Wickersley Northfield Primary School

Wickersley Northfield Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Northfield Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S66 2HL


01709 543704

Foundation Stage 2

Welcome to our F2 class page.

We hope you enjoy taking a look around and exploring all the lovely learning that we do in F2 at Wickersley Northfield. 


The teachers in F2 are:-

Mrs K. Laithwaite (F2L)

Miss F. Morrisey (F2M)


The EYP's in F2 are:-

Mrs K.Cox and Mrs A. Carrington(F2L)

Mrs L. Merry and Mrs L. Bilham (F2M)


Our Learning Journey


This half term our learning is all about Summer and the seaside.

We will be walking around the school grounds to investigate and discover the signs of Summer.

We will be learning about sun safety and staying safe at the seaside..

We will be investigating about all the different creatures that live at the seaside and in the sea.

We will also find out about what happened at the seaside in the past and comparing it to now.

We will also make a comparison of a seaside town and Wickersley.

Finally we have a wonderful visit to Cleethorpes and we have our Sport's Day.


Please see the Medium Term Plan below for more information.


Our Favourite Books

This half term we will be reading these books and many more!








EYFS Intent Statement

Our intent within the Early Years Foundation Stage is to be a caring, happy and creative environment that enables children to succeed as unique individuals and to celebrate their achievements. We strive to be a place where the children are inspired and develop an interest in learning for life. Foundation Stage is the start of the children’s school life and we believe that we create strong foundations for the children which embed good attitudes for learning. These foundations are the building blocks to support children on their journey through a happy and successful life in education.


Latest News

Foundation 2 News

Please watch this space for news and event information.

We have been very lucky and excited to have had our classrooms completely renovated over the 6 weeks holidays.

We have also had new furniture and resources throughout.

Don't we look amazing.


Celebrating our learning.

A few photos of some of the fun learning that we have done recently.


We had great fun creating a spiky hedgehog outside today.
We had great fun creating a spiky hedgehog outside today.